Our history
In July 2007, Christian Faltin founded cocodibu GmbH. In 2009, Stefan Krüger joined as second partner. The owner duo have known each other for almost three decades and still manage the agency’s business today. cocodibu is an acronym for „communication consultants for digital business“.
Our Knowhow

Our team
We have skills that go far beyond day-to-day business: Makeup artist, photo model, head cook, almost-tennis pro, literature junkie, youngtimer wrench, metal drummer, tattoo enthusiast, decades-long junior guitarist. And you?
Our clients
Baidu, ChannelAdvisor, Conversant, Dentsu, DIA, DMEXCO, Huffington Post, Microsoft, Quantcast, productsup, Spreadshirt or We Are Social. cocodibu has been working for a number of international companies from the Tech or Marketing sector, mostly serving as an external PR-Office in D-A-CH.
Our services
You want to conquer the German market? Here we are! Off course we handle all classical tools of pr (strategy and conception, one to one’s with journalists, copywriting etc.). But we go ahead: What about videos, blogs, social networks or communities? Our approach is creative and content-powered.
Our homebase
Munich is the number one digital location in Germany. At the same time, many important media are based in Munich. So it’s the perfect location for a PR agency whose clients belong to the digital economy. But of course we work nationally and internationally.

Das sagen
unsere Kunden

Stephanie Wissmann, Chief Growth Officer
``There are two things in particular that I really appreciate about cocodibu. Firstly, that they are so proactive. They always come up with suggestions of what could be possible, their own ideas and a lot of commitment. And secondly, the agility and innovation: far beyond classic print PR, they always come up with new formats, jump on trains quickly and link the whole thing together in multimedia.``

Wolfgang Bscheid, Managing Partner
„Mit cocodibu haben wir einen Agenturpartner gefunden, der unsere teilweise sehr komplexen Inhalte versteht, bestens aufbereitet und gleichzeitig auch multimedial denkt (egal ob LinkedIn, Clubhouse, Podcast oder Fachmedien). Da arbeiten pragmatische Profis, bei denen das Ergebnis bisher immer gestimmt hat – mittlerweile seit über dreizehn Jahren. Darauf legen wir als Performance-Experten Wert.“

Aktion Kindertraum gGmbH
Ute Friese, Geschäftsführerin
„Wir haben mit cocodibu einen verlässlichen und innovativen Agenturpartner gefunden, der uns immer wieder positiv überrascht. Sei es mit der Organisation von Kampagnen oder auch mit ungewöhnlichen Eventideen. cocodibu hilft dabei, uns als NGO besser zu positionieren und neue Zielgruppen zu erreichen. So können wir noch mehr Kindern einen Traum erfüllen.“
Cocodibu der Film
Ihr wollt wissen, wie der Arbeitsalltag in
einer Agentur für digitale PR aussieht?